Commissariat à l’énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives (CEA)
Commissariat à l’énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives (CEA)
M. Serre-Combe has over 25 years of experience in the field of Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technology.
M. Serre-Combe is Deputy Director of Low Carbon Energy Program Division at the French Atomic and Alternatives Energies Commission (CEA). In this position, he coordinates the strategy and the programs for the development of bricks of technologies in the domain of Photovoltaic, Battery, Hydrogen, smart grid and e-Fuel and Circular Economy.
M. Serre-Combe also chairs the French Standardization committees for Fuel Cell and for Hydrogen Technologies. He co-lead the hydrogen Sector for the New Energy System Council in France and serves as French representative to the Executive Committee of the IEA Technology Collaboration Program on Hydrogen Technologies.
From 2009 to 2014, Pierre Serre-Combe built and managed in partnership with University of Corsica and CNRS (National Centre of Scientific Research) research centre in Corsica Island to develop energy solutions addressing island territory needs. He experiments with industrial partner a first Power-to-Power prototype connected to the electrical grid of Corsica
M. Serre-Combe took part to the National Hydrogen Strategy Plan in 2018 and 2020. He served as member of the RCSS (Regulations, Codes and Standards, and Safety) Working Group of IPHE (International Partnership for Hydrogen and Fuel Cells in the Economy), representing France.
Since 1996, M. Serre-Combe has successfully led and completed around 30 diverse research and pre-normative research projects with National, European and International Industrials and Academic Partners. Part of those projects provide the baselines for new standards of the IEC/TC105 dealing with test performance.
M. Serre-Combe has numerous journal and conference publications on various aspects of hydrogen field including Safety aspect and Power-to-Power item. He is member of the Scientific Committee of the International Hydrogen Safety Conference and occasionally served as reviewer of several scientific journal and as lecturer in several international summer school.
Sample publications include (with co-authors):
• Fuel Cells, book chapter in Low Emission Power Generation Technologies and Energy Management pp. 179-262 Publisher John Wiley and Sons (2013)
• Modelling and experimental validation of a 46 kW PEM high pressure water electrolyzer, in Renewable Energy. April 2018 119:160-173
• Techno-economic analysis of PV/H2 systems, in International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 10 August 2015 40(30):9049-9060
• Safety cost of a large-scale hydrogen system for photovoltaic energy regulation, in International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 27 June 2013 38(19):8108-8116
• Achievements of the EC network of excellence HySafe, in International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. February 2011 36(3):2656-2665
• Overview of CEA studies on hydrogen production and related prospects for nuclear power, in Nuclear Energy Agency Conference, 2000
• Overview of European and international regulation and standardisation activities, in 16th World Hydrogen Energy Conference 2006, WHEC 2006Volume 3, Pages 2098 – 21082006