
Dr. John WARD

Research Director of the Energy Systems Research Program, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO)


John Ward is the Research Director of the Energy Systems Research Program at the CSIRO in Australia – leading research into Australia’s national energy challenges – from building thermal physics, behavioural science and energy efficiency through to electricity system optimization, solar forecasting and energy storage. John is the Australian technical lead for a range of international collaborations – including IEA IGGAN, Mission Innovation & the Global Power System Transformation (G-PST). He is heavily involved in Australian standards development related to integrating inverter based resources into the electricity system.

Energy Systems Research Director, CSIRO
Member, Australian Standards committees: EL-005, EL-042, EL-054, EL-064
Australian Executive Committee Member, IEA ISGAN
Australian Technical Lead, Mission Innovation 2.0, Green Powered Future
Australian Technical Lead, G-PST
Chair, IRED2022 Conference

2002 Ph.D. The University of Newcastle, Australia
2002 - CSIRO Energy, Australia
Dr. John WARD
Dr. John WARD

Dr. John WARD

Research Director of the Energy Systems Research Program, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO)

