
小林 哲彦

国立研究開発法人産業技術総合研究所 理事


Dr. Tetsuhiko Kobayashi is currently Vice-President of the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) and Director-General of Department of Energy and Environment, AIST.
After receiving Ph.D in Engineering from Osaka University, Japan, Dr. Kobayashi joined Government Industrial Research Institute, Osaka (GIRIO) (The current AIST Kansai Center) in 1984. He began his career as a research scientist of electrochemistry and catalysis for energy conversion and environmental protection. After gaining experience at AIST Kansai Center, Dr. Kobayashi led various research and development project such as lithium-ion batteries and fuel cells.
Dr. Kobayashi was appointed Director-General of Department of Energy and Environment, AIST in 2014 and later became Vice-President of AIST in 2015. ORCID : 0000-0002-6952-8669
小林 哲彦
小林 哲彦

小林 哲彦

国立研究開発法人産業技術総合研究所 理事

