Prof. Dr. Christopher Hebling
Director Division Energy Technologies and Systems Division and Business Division Hydrogen Technologies at the Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems (Fh-ISE)
* Physicist, PhD in "Crystalline Silicon Thin-Film Solar Cells on lnsulataing Substrates" University Konstanz
* Honorary Professorship in Chemical Engineering at the University of Cape Town, South Africa
* 5513 citations in total, h-index = 30
* Delegate of Germany in the ExCo of the Hydrogen T CP for R&D on Hydrogen of Int. Energy Agency IEA
* Speaker of the Strategic Research Topic "Hydrogen Technologies" of the Fraunhofer Society
* Board Member of the National Organization Hydrogen and Fuel Cells NOW
* Speaker of Fraunhofer Network Hydrogen (28 lnstit.)
* Board Member of the Fraunhofer "Cluster of Excellence Integrated Energy Systems" (since 2018)