The RD20 was mentioned in the outcome document of the G20 Energy Transitions Ministers’ Meeting (July 22, 2023)
The RD20 was mentioned on the page 7 of the outcome document and chair’s summary.
14. We recognize the significant role of initiatives that support efforts to develop, demonstrate and deploy clean and sustainable energy technologies and solutions and other efforts for innovation. We aim to strengthen technology development, respective national regulatory frameworks, innovation, research capacities, scaling up investments and bridge technological gaps for emerging and developing economies in a non-discriminatory and more cooperative, affordable, and secure manner. We will pursue, on a voluntary basis, opportunities to strengthen cooperation and collaborative efforts with relevant international organizations and other fora including: the Clean Energy Ministerial (CEM), Mission Innovation (MI), RD20 among others, to advance R&D, deployment and dissemination of clean and sustainable energy technologies. In this regard, we take note of the convening of the joint plenary of 14th CEM and 8th MI Ministerial organized on the sidelines of the Presidency, which we believe will strengthen and contribute significantly to advance the cooperation amongst G20 members to accelerate the realization of common goals towards energy transitions.